如何合并图层 ps中合并图层的讲解-世界看点

时间:2023-05-14 20:44:14     来源:红五百科






In the past, we explained the classification of layers, mainly vector layers, bitmap layers, intelligent object layers, including paths, anchors, etc. Today, let’s learn how to merge layers.

During design, many drawings are distributed on multiple layers, and these determined drawings can be merged together for image management without modification. The corresponding merged layers cannot be modified in a single and detailed way, so the merged layers need to be careful.








2、 Merge layer display

Shortcut key for merging layers: ctrl+E; Next, let’s look at the changes of layer types after merging different types of layers.

First, create an intelligent object layer, a bitmap layer, and a vector layer respectively. Note that the method of layer merging is upward merging. The merged layer of smart object layer and bitmap is a bitmap layer.

Similarly, the merged layer of vector layer and bitmap layer is a bitmap layer.

It can be seen from this that, except for the vector map, any type of layer will become a bitmap after merging. Another case is that the vector layer and the vector layer are merged into a vector layer. Note: Vector layers can only have one color. Merged layers are merged upward, so which vector layer is at the top, the color of the merged layer will be consistent with that of the vector layer at the top.

The merged vector layer can be moved using the path selection tool or the direct selection tool.

Undo Merge: Ctrl+Z;

